≫ about-notaris-van-meurs-stichting

About the Notaris Van Meurs Stichting.

The Notaris Van Meurs Stichting managed the historical collection of former notaris Van Meurs from Heerde. The Notaris Van Meurs Stichting does not collect money for car sales or otherwise. The Notaris Van Meurs Stichting does not act as an escrow agent. The Notaris Van Meurs Stichting does not have its own bank account number.
Please do not transfer money to the account number you received. We do not employ a Dr. Van Baast.

Internet criminals misuse the name of the Notaris Van Meurs Stichting for scams. If you receive a payment request mentioning the Notaris Van Meurs Stichting, please do not transfer money. You are being scammed.
We have already reported about the scams to the police. We recommend that you do the same.

Due to the persistent action of the Internet criminals, we were forced to dissolve the Notaris Van Meurs Stichting. The foundation no longer exists